When the World Stopped, they Did Not: Exhibition in Honour of Brave Women

The multimedia exhibition called ‘When the World Stopped, they Did Not’ is opened in the Svilara Cultural Station, and will be open until 13 June. The exhibition consists of artistic photo and audio stories of 10 women from Serbia, from various spheres of life, who with their professional and personal efforts made an immeasurable contribution during the coronavirus pandemic.

The author of the photos is the famous Serbian photographer Igor Mandić, who has over 25 years of experience, while the author of the accompanying audio stories is journalist Sandra Mandić, who talked to all the women and prepared their personal stories about the challenges they faced in the previous year.

The exhibition was implemented by the United Nations Agency for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (UN Women), in cooperation with the Serbian Gender Equality Coordination Body, the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia and the French Embassy in Serbia, with the aim of paying tribute and honour to the women who did everything for us last year, in the front rows day and night.

Aleksandra Miletić from UN Women, Gordana Gavrilović from the Coordination Body for Gender Equality, Vladimir Marinković from the French Institute in Serbia, and Biljana Stepanov and Tatjana Stojšić, women whose photos are included in the exhibition, spoke at the opening of the exhibition.


Photo: Uroš Dožić